Opening the Word

6th Sunday of Easter (Year B)

Episode Summary

The Catholic Church plays a vital role in our ability to remain on the vine throughout all of history. As new circumstances arise, God has given us the gift of the Church to help us recognize where his love is so that we can remain with him. We know that God does not ask anything from us without giving us the grace to respond, and that grace always flows through his Church so that we can be assured that we are truly following him in all truth.

Episode Notes

The Catholic Church plays a vital role in our ability to remain on the vine throughout all of history. As new circumstances arise, God has given us the gift of the Church to help us recognize where his love is so that we can remain with him. We know that God does not ask anything from us without giving us the grace to respond, and that grace always flows through his Church so that we can be assured that we are truly following him in all truth.